Thursday, October 22, 2015

Marijuana and Tech Use

Colorado and Washington have legalized the use of marijuana, and many states are looking to follow. Having laws that makes the distribution and use of marijuana helps prevent many problems.  Marijuana should not be legalized due to its negative effects, kids’ safety risks, and federal legalization problems.
Marijuana should not be legalized due to its harmful effects on the user. Marijuana isn’t harmless like most people try to think.  According to research, Marijuana smoke contains larger amounts of cancer-producing hydrocarbons than tobacco. Not only that but, Acute intoxication impairs learning, memory, and intellectual performance. Kids are also at risk to become addicted to this clearly harmful substance.

Legalizing marijuana poses a threat to our children's’ safety.  If states are legalizing marijuana, kids are going to have an easier time accessing this drug. According to Sabet, When availability goes up, the kids’ access to it is going to go up too. It doesn’t matter if there would be laws restricting the age you can legally buy it, more and more kids will have access to this harmful substance. Looking at Colorado where it has been legalized, we clearly see this problem. Studies already have found increased emergency room admissions for teens in Colorado who reported using someone else’s “medical” marijuana.  Our children's’ safety isn’t the only problem though, marijuana being illegal at federal level causes many problems.

Marijuana remains a problem even after state legalization due to it being illegal at federal level. Even though it is safe to sell, and use marijuana in Colorado and Washington, it doesn’t mean you’re not going to be arrested.  Like Professor Rob Mikos said, State legalization plans might backfire on pot sellers because marijuana remains illegal at the federal level. If nothing is done to this, many conflicts will occur between state and federal law, like tax benefits. The fact that they can’t take certain tax deductions because they’re in an illegal business. 

Overall, marijuana poses a huge health risk if we legalize this substance.  The harm will be worse than what little benefits there would be if it was legal.  Marijuana should not be legalized due to its negative effects, kids’ safety risks, and federal legalization problems.