Saturday, October 3, 2015

What is the Ideal Ad?

In a previous post, "Why do People use Adblockers?", I discussed adblockers and why they're so popular. I also touched on the idea that many entertainers on YouTube and the streaming service, Twitch, live off the revenue the make from ads.  Some entertainers have expressed that the amount of people watching with adblockers has really increased, and has hindered their profits.  Communities of these entertainers often debate over the fact whether or not to use adblocker or not.

To me, I feel like to support the entertainer who is providing people with free entertainment, that I would do what I could to support them, such as watching an ad.  The only problem is, depending on the length of the video, an ad might interrupt you in the middle of a video, or you'll be forced to watch an extremely long ad before you are able to start watching the video. I find this very disruptive, and it annoys me very much. Though I want to support the creator, I'd rather not watch an ad that isn't even relevant to me.

In my mind, a perfect ad is one that isn't disruptive, isn't moving content around, isn't popping up on my screen, it's just there. It shouldn't take up the whole screen, but just beside the main content of the page. On video streaming services like YouTube, I'd prefer an optional short, 10-20 second ad before or after the video instead of a minute long ad before or in the middle of the video. 

In my opinion, Twitch has a decent system for ads. Before you're able to watch a stream, you're prompted with a minute long ad, and once it has finished you're allowed to continue along to the stream. The streamers are also able to play an ad during the stream. This is perfect for times when the streamer needs to leave the computer for a bit to take a break or has just finished a match in some sort of game.  They're usually played during a time when the viewer isn't missing anything, so there is little reason not to watch the ad to support the streamer. On the website the only still ad on the website is to the side out of the way of the main content.

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