Sunday, December 6, 2015

Machine to Recycle Paper

Schools and offices worldwide both go through a ton of paper.  Though a lot of places have put in a firm recycling program for paper and other recycled materials, theses places might now see the direct benefit from it.  A new product from a company that is known from making printers, Epson have created a machine that easily fits in a school or work place.  Epson’s paper recycler is able to take in scrap paper and create new sheets of paper out of it. Feeding it scrap paper, and some water, Epson’s machine will generate 14 pieces of paper per minute.  This isn’t the greatest device, but it’s a way to “shred” paper, and get something back from it. I know that both locations go through so much paper, and a lot of it is either wasted, or thrown into the recycling bin right away.  If this product could be used widely, and possibly multiple machines per building, would rack up to a lot of paper saved and reused right in the building or company. It’s also interesting to see how this device will be improved in the future, allowing companies or school to recycle more paper to create more paper.

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