Friday, January 22, 2016

Microsoft's New Game Plan

Microsoft has some big plans when it comes to gaming. Windows 10 includes an xbox app that allows a PC to remotely control and play xbox one games. It’s an interesting idea but Microsoft is adding more.  People who preorder the game Quantum Break will receive a digital PC version for free.  Along with this, you will apparently be able to go back and forth from PC and xbox and continue from you left of each time. We’ve known from the times of Windows 10 pre releases that Microsoft wanted to bridge the gap between console and PC gaming. Though I don’t think the two separate communities are ready themselves, it’s an interesting proposition none the less.

Having the ability to play multiplayer with both a console and PC would be a big deal. Though some might complain that PC or console has an unfair advantage, this would be a big selling point for any game or console that could do so. If done, Microsoft could advertise that their console, the xbox, does this, and Sony’s can’t. With the PS4 doing so well, Microsoft could use anything to attract a bigger crowd.

This idea of a PC copy with a physical console disk, isn’t new. This “cross buying” has been done before with dvds, offering a digital copy with a purchase of a dvd. If this is to become a benefit, it’s something that would have to become a standard practice for almost every xbox game. This isn’t too practical though, because not every game is produced for both console and PC. But this might just encourage game producers to develop the game for both platforms. This would lead to longer develop times to produce a game, and additional costs, potentially leading to greater risks. But if the game is popular, you would be selling to multiple markets instead of one.

Competing in mobile department


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