A strange new disease has appeared recently that people affected claim to be electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). Assumedly, electromagnetic fields produced by phones, cellphone towers, microwaves radios, computers, routers, powerlines, and general electronics are enough to discomfort people who have self diagnosed themselves with EHS. People who claim to have EHS report to have headaches, fatigue, burning sensations, pain, and sleep disturbances. To me, this all seems all preposterous, as symptoms like this could indicate so many different problems. I look at this and see someone suffering from headaches, and claiming it on their wifi. These people assume because the use of technology and a sudden occurrence of a nonspecific symptom, that they must be “allergic” to electromagnetic fields.
After reading a few interviews of people claiming to have EHS, most of them noticed nonspecific symptoms all of a sudden one day after using a computer or cellphone. They looked online and diagnosed themselves with EHS. Most didn’t go to a doctor, and the ones that did, the doctor almost always reported back that nothing was wrong with them.
One case that jumped out to me was about a kid who the article referenced to as “G”. G went to school after they got new routers and reported to have nonspecific symptoms. He often went to the nurse and was sent home. After being at home he did not experience the symptoms anymore. Right here, I have extreme doubts. I’m sure everyone when they were a kid has pretended to be sick to get out of school. I’ve done it myself when I was younger. Continuing on the story, G’s mother looked up his symptoms online and diagnosed him with EHS. Okay, so let's go on the assumption that G isn’t just playing sick to get out of school, and is actually suffering from symptoms. What I don’t understand is why G’s mother didn’t go out and talk to a family doctor to diagnose whatever G was suffering from.
Cases like this that have been reported on has just added fuel to the fire, making this false diagnosis more apparent on the internet. People suffering from nonspecific symptoms go online and self diagnose themselves with this fake disease. Studies have been done, and there has been no connection found to low levels of electromagnetics waves produced by routers and cell phones and people claiming to suffer from EHS. In most cases, the EHS patient couldn’t tell the difference when the field was on and off.
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